What does a consultation look like?

The first thing for you to do is to fill in my detailed questionnaire.

This is key for me to get a good idea of your symptoms and how they might be linked.

We’ll discuss the answers and I’ll get much more detail about your lifestyle and how things could be changed to improve your symptoms. We’ll chat about everything including gut health, your diet, blood sugars, stress levels, work life balance. Basically, everything that could be having an impact on your IBS.

I’ll then give you advice, all based on scientific evidence on the changes you can make to improve your symptoms. More details are here.


I’m not going to suggest complete life changes.

It’s key that we go at your pace and start by making small changes to your diet and lifestyle. If we go slowly, then it should be sustainable in the long term.

We’ll keep communicating as you get used to the changes, through the food and mood journal.

We’ll also meet face to face or via zoom as often as you want or need. This will probably be every two to six weeks, but it’s completely up to you.

The Cost of Change

Is the diet expensive?

You don’t need to spend a fortune on expensive superfoods and miracle IBS cures, I know from personal experience that they just don’t work.

I’ll be able to show you how every day, normal foods can become the miracle on your plate. You just need the guidance to know what will work for you.


I’ll suggest therapeutic dosages of quality supplements that are designed to improve your symptoms.

Without expert advice, you are either literally throwing money down the toilet or you’re taking so many different supplements, you have no idea what’s working. I’ll only recommend supplements that can improve your IBS symptoms and are backed by scientific research.


If needed or desired, I can arrange the following private tests:

  • Functional gut testing, including SIBO

  • Stool tests

  • Food allergy and intolerance tests

  • Hormone testing

  • Nutrigenomics testing: How your unique DNA interacts and responds to nutrients

NHS Tests

You should be able to get certain tests through your GP.

A stool test can be tested for parasites and an H-pylori infection. I also suggest you ask for your iron, B12 and folate to be tested. If your gut isn’t healthy, all of these levels can be dramatically affected.

Click here to see my packages and pricing

British association of nutrition and lifestyle medicine
Complementary and natural healthcare council
Zest 4 life business and health coach