Food For Healthy Guts

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How to Calm Your Immune System During Coughs and Colds: Natural Tips for Fast Recovery

Why Boosting Your Immune System Matters

This is the time of year to think about our immune system.

Everyone around you has a cold and asks ‘Do you think I have flu? We’re back to being on public transport and listening to coughing and sneezing. Yuck!

So, what can you do to support your immune system and ward off coughs and colds? Who has time to be sick?

Would it surprise you to know that 70-80% of the immune system is in the gut, so by looking after your gut you reduce your risks of colds and flu?

Top Nutritional Tips for Immune Health

Eat the Rainbow: A Variety of Nutrient-Dense Foods

One of the best immune-busting tips is to eat a nutrient-dense diet, with lots of whole foods, vegetables, healthy fats, and grass-fed protein.

You could also try to include plenty of anti-inflammatory foods, such as turmeric and foods that contain omega-3’s, such as fish, nuts and seeds.

To help you get the nutrients that you need focus on eating the rainbow. It was a thing a while ago, remember? It means trying to eat as many different colours as possible. For example:

  • When you go to the supermarket pick green and purple broccoli.

  • Eat sweet potatoes instead of yellow potatoes.

  • Eat red cabbage instead of green.

  • Try roasted beetroot.

  • Choose colourful berries. 

Can you eat five different coloured vegetables per day?

For inspiration, take a look at the Eat the Rainbow chart. 

If you struggle to eat a wide variety of fruit and veg, then you could try taking fruit, veg and berries capsules. They give you 30 varieties of fruit and veg per day and significantly increase your levels of vitamins, minerals and polyphenols - your antioxidants. 

click on the link for fruit, veg and berries

Eating real food and taking fruit and veg capsules is better than taking multivitamins. WHY? 

When you eat real food—whether it's fresh produce or concentrated fruit and veg capsules—your body knows exactly how to break down the nutrients. Your digestive system and enzymes spring into action, working to release those vitamins and minerals in a way your body can absorb them. 

Compare that to a multivitamin, where your body often struggles to recognise the synthetic nutrients, and the difference is clear!

The nutrients in real fruits and vegetables don’t work alone—they’re like a dream team! For example, when you eat an orange or take a concentrated fruit and veg capsule, the vitamin C helps your body absorb iron more effectively. Or think about calcium; it needs vitamin D to be properly absorbed, so that’s why eating a variety of whole foods, or taking fruit and veg capsules, ensures these nutrients work together seamlessly. Multivitamins just can’t replicate that natural teamwork.

If you already have a cold what can you do to boost your immune system? 

DIY Lemon and Ginger Cold Remedy. watch my video

Hot lemon and ginger cold remedy

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I don’t like taking cold remedies with phenylephrine. It never clears my nose it just makes me feel light-headed and really weird, so instead I rely on this

My remedy includes; 

Lemons:  High In vitamin C and fibre they help to prevent kidney stones because they are high in citric acid. If you squeeze lemons on iron-rich foods the lemon helps the absorption of iron.   

Ginger is a superfood: It is anti-inflammatory,  an antioxidant and a great digestive aid helping to subdue feelings of nausea. I use it for motion sickness.

It helps with pain relief and supports the immune system. Everything you need if you have a cold. 

Turmeric is also an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant, and it helps brain health and mood. It’s also a digestive aid and supports joint health.

DON’T add turmeric if you are on blood thinners 

Honey is anti-bacterial and can help to soothe a cough. You’re only having a small teaspoon, so don’t worry about how it affects your blood sugar. Your body might be stressed with the cold so you may need a little glucose boost.

My Lifestyle Tips to Support Your Immune System

Keep Hydrated: If you are sneezing and coughing you are losing moisture so you need to keep hydrated. Aim for at least 8 cups of non-caffeinated drinks.

Reduce stress on your body, rest if you can, and sleep if you can. If you can’t take time off then reduce your caffeine, sugar and alcohol intake If you are taking fruit and veg capsules please double up. Put off socialising. You NEED some early nights 

Look after your Gut Health. 70%-80% of the immune system is in the gut, so supporting your gut health is crucial. Think about pre-biotic foods such as onions, garlic, and probiotic foods such as kefir and sauerkraut.

Make some vegetable soup. You don’t want to stress your body with hard-to-digest foods.

We often try to battle on when we are ill. Sometimes it’s hard to slow down. But, if you can ditch the things you don’t have to do and persuade your family to look after you a little, then you will recover more quickly.

You know I like things to be simple, so remember:

Eat well


Drink your lemon and ginger

Don’t stress your body, it’s ok to rest

Get well soon!

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Jackie xxx